Auto AC Repair

Air Conditioning Repair Service For Cars & Trucks

Auto AC Repair – We Service Car & Light Truck Air Conditioning Systems

You shouldn’t wait until hot weather arrives to check if your vehicle is low on Freon. Most people use their auto AC year-round, and here at Willoughby Hills Auto Repair, we are the area’s leading experts on auto AC repair.

If your car is low on Freon, there may be cause to inspect it for possible leaks. Some Freon does tend to escape naturally. As your engine moves, and as the components of your AC system naturally expand and contract, and as your compressor speeds up and slows down, small amounts of Freon will naturally escape.

At Willoughby Hills Auto Repair, we recommend that you get your auto AC checked about once a year. Low Freon levels and oil running through your AC can damage the compressor, as well as other parts of your AC, and this can mean expensive repairs. Making sure your auto AC has enough Freon makes sure the refrigerant oil in the system is able to lubricate the various parts and seals of the system.

Willoughby Hills Auto Repair has the most sophisticated air conditioning and leak detection equipment available and we are proud to offer the best auto AC repair in the area.

Air Conditioning

If you live in Northeast Ohio cities such as Willoughby Hills, Mayfield, Kirtland, and other parts of Cleveland, you probably don’t think much about your auto AC if it is working as it should. But drivers should be aware that this complex and sophisticated system shouldn’t be ignored and neglected until it begins to break.

The refrigerant in your auto AC serves to help lubricate the various parts of the system. Like all oil, your refrigerant will eventually wear out. Your auto AC may still be making cold air, but without the refrigerant oil to keep things running smooth, the parts will eventually wear down and require replacement.

That same refrigerant gas, though, if left too long, can accumulate moisture and become corrosive to the auto AC. This can eat through the parts of the auto AC, requiring expensive repairs. A refrigerant recharge will not only help you avoid this, but it will also keep your auto AC blowing as cool as the day you drove your vehicle off the lot.

An auto AC is like any other mechanism – even with regular upkeep, eventually, it is going to wear out, break down, or otherwise malfunction.

Catching auto AC problems early can help prevent having to have more expensive repairs performed in the future. A common auto AC problem is the failure of the clutch that turns the compressor on and off. Catching a problem with this part early can save both the clutch and compressor from a repair or even replacement.

It’s easy to know when is the right time to get your auto AC serviced. You can check yourself by flipping to the back of your car’s owner’s manual, or you can bring your car by Willoughby Hills Auto Repair and we can help figure things out. And if you are hearing strange sounds or smelling odd things when you use your auto AC, just get your car into the bays at Willoughby Hills Auto Repair. We’ll take a look and let you know how we can help.

Air Blend Box

Willoughby Ohio drivers hop in their cars, twist some knobs and before they know it, col air is blowing on their faces or feet. How does that happen? It all has to do with the air blend box. This automotive component sits right inside your dashboard and its where the magic happens.

Let’s look at it step by step. First, the blower fan circulates air through your auto AC system. The fan moves at variable speeds, depending on how much hot or cold air it takes to make the cabin of the vehicle comfortable. The blend box either pulls in air from outside the car or can recirculate the air already inside the vehicle.

Next, the air blend box brings airflow to the heater core to warm the air or to the auto AC evaporator to cool it off. It can also blend functions to make your cabin temperature exactly as you like it. Then the air blend box blows the air through the vents in your vehicle, heating or cooling the interior of the vehicle to your exact specifications.

Newer cars even feature climate control “zones”, in which the driver, passenger, and even the back seat can all be at different temperatures. This requires additional air blend boxes, all of which can be controlled individually.

Over time, the blower motor and the smaller actuator motors can fail and will require replacement to keep you comfortable. If you drive a newer vehicle, chances are it is equipped with a cabin air filter. This component serves to filter the air coming into your vehicle before it hits the air blend box. If you go too long without changing the cabin air filter, your air blend box can become clogged with dirt and debris, causing your air conditioner to blow smelly air, or simply not work at all.

Auto AC Repair Near Me

Willoughby Hills Auto Repair in Willoughby Hills, OH can check your entire auto AC system, perform a refresh, and have your car blowing cold, fresh air again in no time. If your auto AC isn’t blowing as cold as it used to, or your AC simply smells bad, the pros at Willoughby Hills Auto Repair can diagnose the problem and perform any needed repairs. And don’t forget to replace the cabin air filter on schedule. In addition, if you live and drive in dusty Northeast Ohio conditions or where there is a lot of pollen or other pollutants, you may need to replace your cabin air filter more frequently. For your next auto AC repair in Willoughby Hills, schedule an appointment with Willoughby Hills Auto Repair.

A/C Evac & Recharge

$189.98+ $50 OFF Any A/C Repair Over $250

  • Check for system vacuum loss
  • Recharge system with proper Freon
  • Using leak gun check for any possible leaks
  • Check system pressures and performance
  • Add air conditioning dye

Excluding Evac & Recharge

*Excludes 1234YF. Up to 2 lbs. Cannot combine with any other offer. Limited time offer.


EXP 03-31-2025

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